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Title: Galileo Timeline [events in Galileo's life; Julian and Gregorian Calendars] [Galileo Project]

Year: 1995

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: RiceUniv

Author: Sobel, Dava

Title: Galileo's Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love

Year: 2000

Format: Adobe eBook

Price: 15.00

Publisher: WalkerBks


Title: Galileo's Daughter: Maria Celeste, Letters to Galileo [Bubonic Plague, etc] [Galileo Project]

Year: 1995

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: RiceUniv

Author: Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm Eberhard 1811-99

Title: Gasometrische Methoden, von Robert Bunsen. Mit 60 in den text eingedruckten Holzschnitten [illus.]

Year: 1857 Brauns

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CMU-Posner

Author: Percival, Archibald Stanley, 1862-

Title: Geometrical optics [illus.]

Year: 1913 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Agricola, Georg, 1494-1555

Title: Georgius Agricola De re metallica [bibliog. notes: p. 599-615; metallurgy; mineral industries; paleontology;

Year: 1556/1912

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia


Title: Glossary relating to the Galileo Project [Galileo Project]

Year: 1995

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: RiceUniv

Author: Desvaux, Emile, 1830-1854

Title: Gramineae Chilenses [grasses; "one of the forerunners of botany in France"]

Year: 1853

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: MoBotanicalGdn

Author: Ball, Robert Stawell (Sir) 1840-1913

Title: Great Astronomers [Couch; Airy; Bradley; Brahe; Brinkley; Copernicus; Flamsteed; Galileo; Halley; Hamilton; Herschel; Kepler; Laplace; Le V

Year: 1907 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Ball, Robert Stawell (Sir) 1840-1913

Title: Great astronomers [Ptolemy, Copernicus, Brahe, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Flamsteed, Halley, Bradley, Herschel, LaPlace, Brinkley, Rosse, Air

Year: 1907 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Hellman, Hal

Title: Great Feuds in Medicine: Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever

Year: 2001

Format: Adobe eBook

Price: 24.95

Publisher: JWiley&Sons

Author: Abbot, Charles Greeley, 1872-

Title: Great Inventions [Smithsonian Science Ser. 12] (123 illus.)

Year: 1932 NY

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UWisconsin

Author: Helmholtz, Hermann von, 1821-1894

Title: Handbuch der physiologischen Optic (ed. Arthur Peter Konig)

Year: 1896Hamburg

Price: Free

Publisher: Intnt Archive

Author: Helmholtz, Hermann von, 1821-1894

Title: Handbuch der physiologischen Optic, v 1 (Wilibald A Nagel)

Year: 1909Hamburg

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Tyndall, John, 1820-1893

Title: Heat Considered as a Mode of Motion

Year: 1869 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia


Title: HEISENBERG: Werner Heisenberg: A Bibliogrpahy of His Writings (1920-2001)

Year: 2001

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys

Author: Schoffer, Peter

Title: Herbarius][R]ogatu plurimo[rum] inopu[m] num[m]o[rum] egentiu[m] appotecas refuta[n]tiu[m] occasione illa,...

Year: 148-?

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: MoBotanicalGdn

Author: Patten, Simon Nelson, 1852-1922

Title: Heredity & Social Progress [human heredity; progress; social history; bibliog refs.]

Year: 1903 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Duncan, Peter Martin

Title: Heroes of Science: Botanists, Zoologists, & Geologists [Soc. Promoting Christian Knowl.]

Year: 1882 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: Google

Author: Ferrari, Giovanni Battista

Title: Hesperides, sive, De malorum aureorum cultura et usu libri quatuor

Year: 1646

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: MoBotanicalGdn


Title: Hist. Sci.: Atomic Consequences (Michael A. Dennis, Cornell U)

Year: 1998

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys


Title: Hist. Sci.: Cold War Science (Hugh Gusterson & David Kaiser, MIT)

Year: 2002

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys


Title: Hist. Sci.: Development of Modern Physical Science from Newton to Einstein (W Patrick McCray, UMaryland)

Year: 2001

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys


Title: Hist. Sci.: Discovery of the Universe (Rudi Paul Lindner, UMichigan)

Year: 2001

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys


Title: Hist. Sci.: Einstein, Oppenheimer, Feynman: Physics in the 20th Century (David Kaiser, MIT)

Year: 2001

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys


Title: Hist. Sci.: History of 20th Century Physics (Michel Janssen, UMinnesota)

Year: 2000

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys


Title: Hist. Sci.: History of Science & Cosmology (Stephen B. Johnson, UNDakota)

Year: 2002

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys


Title: Hist. Sci.: Particle Physics in the 20th Century (Nina Byers, UCLA)

Year: 2001

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys


Title: Hist. Sci.: Physical Science, Newton to Einstein (Ted Porter, UCLA)

Year: 1999

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys


Title: Hist. Sci.: Replicating Classical Experiments (Jed Buchwald, MIT)

Year: 1999

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys


Title: Hist. Sci.: The Origin of Modern Science from Aristotle to Newton (Stephen G Brush, UMaryland)

Year: 2000

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys


Title: Hist. Sci.: The Origins of Western Physical Science: Antiquity to ca. 1600 (Lawrence Badash, UCLA)

Year: 1998

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys


Title: Hist. Sci.: The Quantum Century: History of 20th Century Physics (Michael Riordan, Stanford U)

Year: 2002

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys


Title: Hist. Sci.: The Scientific Revolution: 1600-1875 (Lawrence Badash, UCLA)

Year: 1999

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys


Title: Hist. Sci.: Topics in the History of Modern Physical Science (Michael J Crowe, UNotre Dame)

Year: 1998

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys

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