THE CIVIL WAR (1800 - 1860)

17th-19th c: Fur Trade (North America)
19th c: 1803: Louisiana Purchase
      / Lewis & Clark (1804-1806)

19th c: War of 1812
19th c: Monroe Doctrine (1823- )
19th c: Mexican War (1846-1848)
19th c: Gold, Gold Rushes (1848- )
19th c: 1854: Perry's Expedition to Japan
19th c: Politics: Election Campaigns: 1812
19th c: Politics: Election Campaigns: 1824
19th c: Politics: Election Campaigns: 1828
19th c: Politics: Election Campaigns: 1832
19th c: Politics: Election Campaigns: 1836
19th c: Politics: Election Campaigns: 1840
19th c: Politics: Election Campaigns: 1844
19th c: Politics: Election Campaigns: 1848
19th c: Politics: Election Campaigns: 1852
19th c: Politics: Election Campaigns: 1856
19th c: Politics: Election Campaigns: 1860
19th c: Slavery: slave lives
19th c: Slavery: History
19th c: Slavery: African Slave Trade
19th c: Slavery: The Great Argument:
      Dred Scott; Kansas-Nebraska Debate;
      Missouri Compromise; Underground RR;
      Abolitionism; Fugitive Acts; Southern
      Defense; Emancipation

19th c: Slavery: Plantation Life
19th c: Slavery: Justification Of
19th c: Slavery: Laws relating to Slavery
19th c: Slavery: 1850: Missouri Compromise
19th c: Slavery: Extension to Territories
19th c: Slavery: Anti-slavery Movement
19th c: Slavery: Colonization Movement
19th c: Slavery: & the Churches
19th c: Slavery: Fugitives
19th c: Slavery: 1850: Fugitive Slave Laws
19th c: Slavery: Underground Rail Road
19th c: Slavery: 1854: Kansas-Nebraska Act
19th c: Slavery: 1856-7: Dred Scott Decision
19th c: Slavery: Freedmen

Lincoln & The Civil War