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Title: A briefe discourse of the voyage & entrance of the Queene of Spaine into Italy: With the Triumphes & pomps she

Year: 1599?] Lond

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: A continuation of a former relation concerning the entertainment giuen to the Prince His Highnesse by the King

Year: 1623 Lond.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: A Description of the Funeral Solemnities, Performed in the Church of Nostre-Dame, at Paris: to Honour the Memo

Year: 1675 Lond.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: A Poem on the Coronation of our most Illustrious Sovereign K[ing] James II & his Gracious Consort Queen Mary

Year: 1685 Lond.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: A Relation of the Late Royall Entertainment Given by the Right Honourable the Lord Knowles, at Cawsome House n

Year: 1613 Lond.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: A True Account of the Invitation & Entertainment of the D. of Y. at Merchant-Taylors-Hall, by the Artillery-me

Year: 1679?]Lond?

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: A True Discourse of all the Royal Passages, Tryumphs & Ceremonies, obserued at the Contract & Marriage of the

Year: 1625 Lond.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: A true relation of the manner of the coronation of the present King of Poland. & likewise an account of the ce

Year: 1676 Lond.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Aboccamento della maesta caesarea, et del re christianissimo d[i] Francia fatto in Madrit per la pace et paren

Year: n. d.] n.p.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Abriss vnnd Furbildung Alles dess jenigen / so sich zu Franckfurt am Mayn im Jar 1612. als der Allerdurchleuch

Year: 1612 Augsbg

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Acta Coronationis. Kornung Sigismundi Sweriges Gothes och Wendes Konungs ... Kronungs ... .

Year: 1594 Stkhlm

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Actes exhibez publiquement au consistoire par nostre saint pere Gregoire Pape xiij. aus ambassadeurs des rois

Year: 1585 Liege

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Aigentliche wahrhaffte delineatio unnd Abbildung aller furstlichen Auffzug vnd Rutterspilen: be

Year: 1618Stuttgd

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: WarburgInstUK


Title: Apparato et feste nelle nozze dello illustrissimo signor duca di Firenze [et] della duchessa sua consorte, con

Year: 1539Flornce

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Apparato fatto dalla citt di Milano per riceuere la serenissima regina d[onna] Margarita d'Austria sposata al

Year: 1599 Milan

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Ausfuhrliche Beschreibung/ Dero Durchleuchtigsten Grossmachtigsten Konigin Christinae, Gebornen Konigin in Sch

Year: 1656 n.p.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Avvisi particolari della felice, et gloriosa incoronatione di Henrico III, Re di Francia & IIII di P

Year: 1575 Venice

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: WarburgInstUK


Title: Ballet royal de la naissance de Venus. Danse par sa majeste, le 26. de Ianuier 1665.

Year: 1665 Paris

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Battaglia navale rappresentata sull'Arno per le nozze del ser[enissi]mo principe di Toscana, MDCVIII

Year: 1608Flornce

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: WarburgInstUK


Title: Battaglia tra tessitori, e tintori: festa rappresentata in Firenze nel fiume Arno il d 25. di Lug

Year: 1619Flornce

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: WarburgInstUK


Title: Bericht von dem Koniglichen Bolnischen Einzug in Crackau/ Nebst andern Particularien aus selbigem Konigreich.

Year: 1697Leipzg?

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Beschreibung der einreittung Auch Kronu[n]g des Grossmechtigsten Fursten vn[d] Romischen Konings Caroli des fu

Year: 1520] Mainz

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Beschryuinghe van het ghene dat vertoocht wierdt ter inco[m]ste van d'Excellentie des Prince[n] van Oraengien

Year: 1578 Ghent

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Bref et sommaire recueil de ce qui a este faict, [et] de l'ordre tenue a la ioyeuse [et] triumphante entree de

Year: 1572 Paris

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Breue racconto dell'arriuo in Bologna della serenissima regina Christina di Suezia et de'trattenimenti, e part

Year: 1655 Bolgna

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Breue raguaglio del funerale fatto al sereniss. Vincenzo, che fu* duca di Mantoua, e de Monferrato.

Year: 1628 Mantua

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Breve descrittione della battaglia navale. et del castello de fochi trionfali, fatti ... nelle gloriosissime n

Year: 1608 Mantua

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Breve descrizione delle pompa funerale fatta nelle essquie del serenmissimo D. Francesco Medici II. gran duca

Year: 1587Flornce

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Breve relatione dello sposalitio fatto della serenissima principessa Eleonora Gonzaga con la sacra cesarea mae

Year: 1621-22

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: C'est l'ordre et forme qui a este tenue au sacre [et] couronneme[n]t de treshaulte [et] tresillustre dame, Mad

Year: 1549 Paris

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: C'est l'ordre qui a este tenu a la nouvelle et ioyeuse entree, que ... le roy treschrestien Henry deuxieme de

Year: 1549] Paris

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: C'est la deduction du sumpteux order plaisantz spectacles et magnifiques theatres dresses ... par les citoiens

Year: 1551 Rouen

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Caroli Quinti cum Hispaniarum tum duplicis Germaniae et Romanoru[m] Archiregis, utriusq[ue] [et] in Longobardo

Year: 1530 Antwrp

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Cenni intorno all'origine, e descrizione della festa che annualmente si celebra in Verona l'ultimo v

Year: 1818 Verona

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: WarburgInstUK


Title: Compendium, das ist kurtzer Bericht wie ... Maximilianus Pfalzgraue bey Rhein ... Ir furstlichen Durchl. Ertzh

Year: 1607 Munich

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary

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